I love taking a biblical text and wrestling with it until one of us has come away mastered by the other. Usually I'm gripped by a new take on something familiar. Sometimes I read something I've never thought through fully. Then I'm forced to go deep--thinking and praying through the rest of the scriptures where similar things are written or alluded to.
Throughout the process I roll through my mind's memory rolodex. I look for something that could help the text live. This can be one of my favorite parts of the whole process. It can also be the most agonizing, especially when I can't think of a strong illustration for an important point.
One of the last parts of sermon prep is coming up with a title. Sometimes it comes, sometimes it doesn't. The hardest part for a non-committal-kind-of-guy is getting the title to the church's administrator by Thursday. That's today. I didn't make it.
My wife said, "no one cares about the title." She just said that cause she loves me.
Whether she's right or not, It made me feel better.