I tucked my 2 favorite little people into bed tonight.
I read Shawna the story about Abram telling the Egyptians that Sarai wasn't his wife. We talked about lying; and about how God takes care of us, even when we're afraid to do the right thing; and about not marrying your sibling.
I told Elijah the story of Jesus washing the disciples stinky, sweaty, poo-caked feet. We talked about how that job was reserved for servants/slaves. And we talked about how the most powerful person in the world volunteered to do the lowest job in the world.
And as I talked I got excited. And I could tell that Elijah was getting excited too.
And after my theologizing was over he cut in the question that had been rolling around in his mind since the beginning of my homily, "Dad, where did the dinosaurs come from?"
I'm glad people don't ask questions after my Sunday morning sermon.