Last Sunday morning I preached for 30-40 minutes, casting a vision and laying out a strategy for accomplishing our congregational mission. Tomorrow we begin our fall sermon series.
Today, I'm stoked and here's why:
1. In the past two weeks, it has felt like we've left our church moorings and set sail. There is a tangible buzz happening across the congregation.
2. We've developed the sermon series in house. Everything from the weekly titles to the life group curriculum has been made in Hanover. Every creative idea (including our take it home credit cards pictured above) has come from the minds of our staff and our congregation.
3. This may sound selfish but it contributes to my excitement: I'm getting a lot of opportunities to preach, lead and cast vision. In the absence of a lead pastor, I'm getting to handle lead pastorish affairs and I'm lovin' it.
Only one question remains: are we sailing an ocean liner or a yellow submarine?