Sunday, March 13, 2011

Where are all the pastors going?

Clergy burn out.

I starting to wonder what's going on.

I don't want to be a burn-out stat so here's a few commitments:

1. Embrace Further Education - It's easy to regurgitate information and rely on past successes. Especially when you're preaching almost every week. That's why I'm hoping to take a week long course or two every summer.

2. Spent quality time with my wife and kids - My kids are only young once. Enough said.

3. Deal with conflict quickly - I'm committed to keep the lines of communication wide open and deal with difficult situations quickly, sensitively, and courageously. Unresolved conflict absorbs a lot of mental energy so it's best to ask "what's up?" as soon as possible.

4. Build a staff team that loves working together - This is a work in progress but we can accomplish a whole lot more when we work together.
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