Four days until I begin another school year.
That means completing syllabii, finalizing Power Point presentations and going over class lists.
I remember when it meant getting a new plastic lunch pail with a thermos that was held in by a hard plastic thing that looked like a seatbelt.
Ah, grade 2. I'm re-living it. Vicariously. Through my daughter.
She started 2nd grade french immersion on Tuesday. Believe it or not, she already has a concept of "cool".
I didn't know what "cool" was until grade 7.
I remember the day it happened. Or failed to happen.
I went to my father's barber for a new cut. Youngsters, here's a hint: if you're looking for "cool", you won't find it at dad's barber shop. My new dew made me look like a mushroom. Mushrooms aren't cool.
What is cool? My little girl. She's super cool.
Right now she wants to fight me. Cool.
My lunchbox was a metal mostrosity like you see at consturctions sites. It has awesome Transformer stickers all over it.
Unforutally I never was cool in school, ever. Until after highschool ended and I started dating Anne. then I couldn't care less anymore.
you're cool luke.
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