I wonder what would happen if I treated my family like a congregation?
1. We'd align our couch and chairs in rows whenever we watched T.V.
2. If my kids wanted to talk to me, they'd have to make an appointment.
3. I'd make special 'visits' to my wife. She'd make tea and we would sit and talk about gardening and the neighbours. Our time would conclude with me reading a Psalm.
4. We'd have tailor-made family envelopes printed. 'The Mills family inc.' would receive money from individual family members. The cash would be used to pay bills, my salary, and maybe a child in Spain.
5. We'd buy another house. A bigger house. Just so we could run programs.
6. I'd have separate meal times for each of my 2 children. I'd feed my daughter exactly what she wanted. Then she'd go back to her room. We'd have 25 minutes to get my son's favorite meal ready. He'd eat, then wander back to his room.
7. When my kids were ready to leave home, and start their own families, I'd say 'no.' Then I'd send them to their rooms.
I don't know about you but I'm ready for change.
you're brilliant.
I think I would agree, change is definately something that needs to happen----WAIT...did I just say that ;0)
To quote Jesus "These people honour me with their lips their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men." Mark 7:7,8. I hear this echoed in your observations. Bring the change!
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