It's official.
It's Good Friday and our van is dead. There's no Easter Sunday resurrection in its future.
Instead, I dusted off my old road bike and took it to a shop in Scone. They specialize two things: selling nature paintings and fixing bicycles. The place is almost as interesting as the guy who tunes up the two-wheelers.
He's going to shine it up, change the tires, and make some needed adjustments.
It's going to replace the van as my vehicle of choice for the days I commute to work.
The timing is perfect. Not only is the weather getting nicer by the day, my work at the college is done for the semester. Otherwise, I'd have to be on the road at 2:45am just to be on time for my morning class.
Hmmm the pic of that tri bike is distracting.
Did you get it back yet? How is it?
to bad so sad
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