Sometimes I wonder what the church would be like without politics.
As I read the definitions for the term (below), I was struck by the references to power.
Isn't it funny that the very community where power should be shared and given away to others tends to be the context where power is used to get our own way.
politics |ˈpäləˌtiks| |ˈpɑlətɪks| |ˈpɒlɪtɪks|
plural noun [usu. treated as sing. ]the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, esp. the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power• the activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries• the academic study of government and the state• activities within an organization that are aimed at improving someone's status or position and are typically considered to be devious or divisive• a particular set of political beliefs or principles• (often the politics of) the assumptions or principles relating to or inherent in a sphere, theory, or thing, esp. when concerned with power and status in a societyI dream of a day when the church will be characterized by giving instead of getting, humility not pride, and liberation rather than power struggles.
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