Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thoughts about me

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fun in the Mountains
Erika and I have been in Alberta since Tuesday.
Our main purpose for the trip was to attend the Church Planting Congress. One of the most powerful moments came during a time of communion at the end. As the band was wrapping up their song one of my pastor friends from Alberta reached over and pulled Erika and I in close and prayed over us.
It was a prophetic moment that we haven't fully understood yet. Nevertheless, we both left the conference believing that God is up to something.
Since then we've wandered through the shops in downtown Banff, sipped Starbucks lattes at the top of Sulphur Mountain, and navigated our tiny rental car up the snow-covered road to Lake Louise.
When you throw in the tax savings on retail purchases (Alberta only charges the federal tax) it's easy to see why God calls so many people to Alberta.
It's too bad I'm not one of them.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Family medicine

Amazingly, the Mills clan now have a family physician in our area.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Update on change

A couple of weeks ago I announced that I was going to start praying for change.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
HappE Birthday
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Lay it down

The words of that song resonate deeply with the questions I'm currently asking: questions like, "Who am I?", "Where is God calling me?", and "What is God asking of me?"
Personal recognition and ambition often get in the way of God's calling in my life. For example, I like to see my ideas, no matter how far fetched, become reality. In the process, I can get trapped with my fists tightly clenched around things that aren't God.
I'm reminded that Jesus isn't found in what I'm clinging to. He's in the place where I lay down the things I hold most dear.
It's only when I'm prepared to lay it all down that I can explore the wonder, beauty and freedom that comes with following Jesus perpetually into the unknown.