The words of that song resonate deeply with the questions I'm currently asking: questions like, "Who am I?", "Where is God calling me?", and "What is God asking of me?"
Personal recognition and ambition often get in the way of God's calling in my life. For example, I like to see my ideas, no matter how far fetched, become reality. In the process, I can get trapped with my fists tightly clenched around things that aren't God.
I'm reminded that Jesus isn't found in what I'm clinging to. He's in the place where I lay down the things I hold most dear.
It's only when I'm prepared to lay it all down that I can explore the wonder, beauty and freedom that comes with following Jesus perpetually into the unknown.
Let go....Let God
not saying i have it all together..just it's a great motto to have
You are not alone.
phew! it's good to know that i'm not the only one who struggles with this
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