We retreated this week.
That's right, our pastoral team waved goodbye to our families and our offices for 2 days in order to spend time in Stayner, ON.
While away we set goals, bounced around ideas for congregational discipleship, and we even had time for a late night game of euchre.
But my most significant moment came, not in a new idea or a breakthrough conversation, but when I reflected on how things were being said.
Sometimes I can get caught up talking about myself too much. That's an "I" mentality. Other times I'm tempted to point my finger at someone else when I think a wrong needs to be righted. That's a "You" mentality. But there's a third way; it's not an "I" or "You" by a "We". "We" knows that if there's a problem, together we can find a solution because we're all responsible. I think that makes for good teamwork.
I love it when a plan comes together.
But I pity the fool who has to retreat.
So who on on the pastoral team is who on the A-Team? Hmmmmmm
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