My convocation took place last Saturday. Being conferred a degree "in absentia" is a strange experience. I watched as the kneeling registrar was hooded in my place. Watching it happen to someone on my behalf is not the same as experiencing it for myself. So, while I know I have officially crossed the graduation threshold, it's only starting to sink in.
At the virtual convocation I received more than a degree. At around the 9 minute and 48 second mark an announcement was made and my name popped up on the screen. I was surprised, overwhelmed, and humbled. I laughed out loud. Growing up I didn't feel smart and I was certainly not academically inclined. My high school transcript shows grades in the 60's and 80's with most marks in the 70's. During my Masters degree, I became a better student. I started to learn how to write and research more effectively, thanks to my brother-in-law. Even then, I was nowhere near the top of my class.
Last Saturday reminded me that "God chooses the foolish and weak things of the world to bring down the wise and strong" (1 Cor. 1:27). If only my dad could have watched the ceremony. He was no academic. He actually decided to call school quits after grade 10 to work as an Oldsmobile and Chevrolet dent repairman. He tapped out of high school early and that seemed to be okay with him. That's probably why he seemed okay with me being okay with my average grades in high school. He never told me I could or should do better. Yet in time, I wanted to become a better student. If last Saturday is any indication, I guess that happened. Thanks again to everyone who helped, supported, and encouraged me along the way.
The Convocation video is below and if you want to read the program just click here.
Thanks Mike!
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