Yesterday marked the last Sunday in our church's Formation @ Home series.
It was a profound experience for me. It's the first time I've been able to design an extended sermon series (5 weeks) and preach all but one Sunday.
I've been awakened. I don't think I'll ever be the same.
I'm grateful to Peter, our interim lead pastor. He asked me to craft a sermon series for the post-Easter season. He asked me to design something for the summer, too.
The latest is a fall pulpit series. Yes, that's the third one since Easter. I'll be working on that one in July and August. I'm planning on developing some small group material that will compliment the Sunday morning messages. It will be made in Hanover, rather than some large church in the U.S.
June-August I will also be working on a distance education course for EBC. I wrote New Testament 1 (Gospels-Acts) last summer. This summer I'll write New Testament 2 (Romans-Revelation).
Oh, and I'm taking some vacation too.
I'm glad you're jumping in head first Jason. I wish that I had gotten to hear more of your teaching! I'm pretty excited that you're going to write some small group discussion stuff as well. Halley's Bible Handbook applauds you! If you don't know what I mean by that, then there are four pages out of that book you should read.
Thanks for leading me to my bookshelf. Are you referring to these comments?
"But should a pastor wish to enlist his whole congregation [in regular Bible reading], the best way to do it would be to make out some sort of a reasonably worthwhile plan of Bible Reading, and set it before them, and give them to understand that he expects them to make it a part of their church life, and lead them in it, and hold them to it, and , from Sunday to Sunday, one way or another, keep it before them, year after year, as if he really meant business; all the while making it them basis of his sermons." p. 817.
I'm sure if he was still alive to edit this text, Mr. Halley would use more periods. He'd probably also include the latest tool for pastors who want to encourage their congregation in Bible reading, blogging!
looking forward to your teachings :) you always present a fresh way of learning about God and showing us what he has in store for hmc and beyond. god bless.
What's wrong with small group material that's developed at some large church in the U.S.A.?
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