Gener8 is now over and it was a powerful experience for me.
I was privileged to be in on the ground level of something God is doing across Canada.
24 young leaders were divided into small groups to listen to each other's stories. I was amazed as our leader intuitively and prophetically called out dreams and obstacles to our dreams as we shared together. Tears were shed, future visions were carefully painted, and we spent time praying for one another.
More than anything, I felt affirmed.
Here are some of the things I've been chewing on:
1. Don't make life too complex. Simply follow Jesus.
2. God is still proud of me when I fail miserably.
3. I have a dream but I might be settling for selling tea in a crystal shop. (you'll have to read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho if you want to know what that means).
Really? I didn't peg you as the crystal shop guy. Interesting...
Hi beautiful.
Not the crystal shop guy but the boy who worked in the crystal shop.
funny; i was thinking the same thing today: keep it simple, follow Jesus. but your third point made me realize that we need to balance simplicity and God's will. we may be called to do bigger things that can take us away from our comfort zone. i can't always settle for the simple life. sometime i'm going to have to run in another direction, and when Jesus is the one i'm running to, that's when life will be simple.
maybe that train of thought just went in a circle, but it made me feel good :P
Thanks Jessie.
Great thoughts. Simplicity is always good. No matter what.
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