Amazingly, the Mills clan now have a family physician in our area.
We started looking for a Doc shortly after arriving in the area in 2007. We weren't overly aggressive about searching until last winter.
Our 8-year-old is prone to strep infections. After multiple emergency room visits, Erika started praying. During one snowy visit, a new-to-town, super-nice physician introduced himself to Erika and Shawna and asked if we had a family physician. Erika said, "no". So he volunteered to enlist our whole family as his patients.
We took our forms into his office and after two or three unsuccessful follow-up calls that went unanswered, we gave up. It was strange but we assumed that his patient list must not have room for us.
Last week we received an out-of-the-blue call from his office. I'm still not sure what prompted them to call us. Nevertheless, the receptionist asked if we still needed a family physician. We told her we did. The rest is history.
We met him on Wednesday. He is warm, friendly, and he took a lot of time to answer questions and check us over. And the best part is that every computer I saw was a Mac.
I don't even care if he knows stuff about family medicine.
to have a good doctor is good.
He might say you are unhealthy if you don't dress like the mac guy in those commercials though ;)
Fanboy M.D. or is it Rev. Fanboy.?
And somewhere here there has be be a joke about an "Apple a day"
Also, I don't think 4 people count as a clan.
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