This week has been a whirlwind of activity. Yesterday, I perused a stack of resumes for a office position we're hoping to fill in the coming 2 weeks. Today, I spent the whole day--locked in a room full of white boards, coffee, and ministry staff--drafting next year's intentional plan. It was productive and helpful. It was also profoundly draining.
The learning curve in this new role is steep. But I can actually feel the prayers of the people. It's a wild ride and I have a sense that it's just beginning.
It's fun being the interim lead pastor but my favorite role is that of husband and dad. After all, there are fewer conversations involving white boards and I can wear my pajamas and not get weird looks.
i you actually wear PJs like those in that pic, i will give you weird looks.
Unless they are a punishment for something. :D
Loved your blog. God bless, Lloyd
Pajamas are a good things. Yep.
What is it that is so draining about planning?? Is it the awareness of future work? Or maybe the realization of how little in ministry is under our control? Or the pouring out of ideas in a torrent of editing/rejection/encouragement/excitement?
Solid planning meetings often have, I find, strange, vacuous energy to them, like hot air in a balloon - while it's on, your soaring, but as soon as the motor is turned off, you start to deflate and fly lower. I don't know if its the people or the projects - small group experiences can have this effect as well, although without the exhaustion afterwards.
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