I've been thinking a lot about the resurrection these days.
It's partly because it's the Easter season and partly because I'm preaching on the resurrection this Sunday.
As a preparatory exercise I've been asking various people what they think 'resurrection' means. The responses have been all over the map. Not only is there confusion about Christ's resurrection there is even more confusion about our future bodily resurrection.
I was raised as a churchgoing, Sunday school attending, Bible believing, Jesus follower. Yet I can't remember a single sermon or lesson preached or taught on why the bodily resurrection is important.
Needless to say, I've been doing a lot of reading and praying in anticipation of this Sunday's message. I'd hate to make people more confused than they already are. I'd love to leave them with the same jittery excitement I'm feeling this Easter as I ponder the resurrection.
Thoroughly enjoyed your sermon on Easter Sunday. I have some questions ...
What are the sequence of events that occur when you die here on earth? What happens to your soul, earthly body and spiritual body?
When you die, your physical body goes into the ground and your soul goes to heaven, if you are a believer. When do you get a "spiritual body"? Does your soul and spiritual body go to heaven simulanteously? OR does your soul go to heaven, and your spiritual body awaits until the Resurection happens? How does the Second Coming change the sequence of events? Need some further clarification.
Where does souls come from?
What about animals? Do they have souls? Basically, is there a dog and a cat heaven?
Great questions. I'd love to spend some time fleshing them out. I'll try to post something in the next week.
Stay tuned....
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